Monday 11 June 2012

Print Folio Semester 1, Year 1, Submission


Today I handed in the last of my univeristy folios for the semester. These photos are of my print making folio set up, ready for my speech and marking.  

 Above Right: On the pillar is my anthropometry test. Primarily associated with Yves Klein, one covers human body in paint and runs at a wall covered in paper. It was fun but it took an incredibly long shower to get the paint off. My first ever monoprint is on the top left of the main wall, with some etchings and 4 point screen print tests. There were no tables left so I had to improvise: with the aid of three stools and two of my folios I managed to make a table for my journals and storyboard.

Below Right: My largest monoprint at just under two metres long. Underneath are some drypoint experiments with various way of printing including some chine colle.

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