Tuesday, 22 July 2014

EXAM: Combined Printmedia and Art Project Sem. 1

For my first semester exams, the two units of Art Project and Printmedia were marked in a combined exam. Below are some photos from my presentation, as well as a summary of the exam process. Some people would consider this format rough, but I'd rather have a fifteen minute presentation than a three or four hour written one. 



The exam process was as follows: 
   1. Set up in a panic an hour and a half before your time slot (I got 11:30am). The work of both units must remain easily distinguishable and ALL work including crappy sketches, notebooks, failures and successes must presented. 
  2. The three markers arrive and are tutors from other departments that have never seen your portfolio before. Luckily I was allocated a sculptor, photographer and painter. 
   3. Introduce your two portfolios with an artist statement for each unit. 
   4. Walk out of the room for five to ten minutes. 
   5. The tutors will call you back inside. You now have five to ten minutes to answer any questions they can and will throw at you. 
   6. Your exam is over! Now quickly tear everything down and toss it carelessly in the box it came in. Since you are a nice person, help the person after you to set up because you will probably need their help later. 

Because I had only two hours sleep the night before, I went back to college and slept until dinner. 
End of exams. 

Thankyou Sal for sending me these photos from your phone!
The only thing I forgot to bring to my exam was my camera, which was inconvenient. 

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