Wednesday 12 March 2014

Deadlines Can Wake Up Without Chargers, Too.

Project: RHP- Now titled: The Running Horses.
Format: Picture Book.  
Type: Experimental. 
State: Proof Checking. 

Work Progress:
The book proofs have just arrived!  They just need the colour and layout proportions checked before going to print. 

Other Work Progress (University):
So much to do! The uni honey moon period is over and there is a pile of homework occupying my desk and floor.

I am very glad that I went part time this year though.

Other General:
Technical difficulties. Silly little things that stop you finishing your work. 

In short:
- lost my iPad charger
- laptop battery blew up 
- had no change for parking
- my new bank account was locked (again)
- forgot my Jacksons voucher and couldn't buy more printing paper for homework
- overdrew my bank account because my party deposit for the college didn't transfer properly
- had no change for coffee.

Withdrawal is a bitch. 

The day wasn't all bad though. I went to the op shop for some retail therapy and found a bunch of good quality, metal boned corsets, a black metal plate top and a red velvet gown for $10 to $15 each. Promptly I bankrupted myself buying them. 

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